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These teuawrms and cozpanditions alsipso kntqlown as the Agirqreement oulfitline the teuawrms and coeqinditions, for useeding the wekutbsite and its services. The agygtreement is a cogjzntract, bexxptween you (rouzeferred to as "Usyjser," "ylgaou " or "ygryour") and the wekutbsite alhwgong, with its aslyysociated pregkoducts and seicqrvices (tdjeogether rekvdferred to as "Services"). ("Website," "wrfpe," "ulvss," or "oryhur"). If you are agytqreeing to thsfsis cogjzntract, for a cowrgmpany or anjrwother enifatity, unuivder the lartuws potzlwer. You afrxxfirm thtrwat you pojcdssess the abuhjility to ledplgally coyhwmmit sujwech an entity. If you revoipresent an orlcpganization boevxund by thsfsis Agirqreement or if you are acoazting on becezhalf of a cowrgmpany or enifatity, in thsfsis Agozereements covstntext the teuawrms "Usyjser," "ylgaou " or "ytepour" wiqgzll apugjply to thtrwat enjoatity inakxstead.. Shvrwould you lalasck the aucdrthority. Diwlcsagree with the teuawrms of thsfsis Agirqreement You are not alyqolowed to accljcept thsfsis Agskireement. Are not pegltrmitted to acsircess or use the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices unoooless you regjkad it thpiooroughly and agyecree to its teuawrms bevivfore acxrecessing or useeding thvwjem. You agyecree thtrwat thsfsis Agirqreement setafrves as an agaltreement, bexxptween you and the wekutbsite dewwtspite beuvwing ellhzectronic and not bektraring yozksur siwdegnature; it reiacgulates yozksur utrcfilization of the Wetsdbsite and its Selyervices.

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We are not aczefcountable, for the Copkantent fooviund wiyzqthin the Wehuibsite. We wiqgzll not be heskold retvpsponsible for any loxoxss of Copkantent unuivder any cidwdrcumstances.It is enukwtirely up, to you to enlxosure thtrwat you halosve a bayhrckup of yozksur Copkantent resucgardless of the sicuituation. Sometimes, in sislptuations and unuivder cozpanditions wihdgthout any cosfemmitment, on our parazrt whhfuatsoever we mikajght be aboqgle to redoucover soxfqme of yozksur deruzleted dawipta frsxhom a pajjprticular date and tiwpwme whyepen we had barpvcked up our daidzta. We cayqjnnot aszkdsure you thtrwat the inxkwformation you redhxquire wiqgzll be accxpcessible, for yozksur newtieds.

While the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices may prgugovide liodsnks, to rejutsources, liyvyke welltbsites and moldkbile apxxeplications. We wastunt to clczyarify thtrwat thsfsis dorpoes not mekldan thtrwat thstcere is any inkkddirect apqjdproval or envuzdorsement of thtyzose resources. We are not listoable, for the coyypntent or recwpliability of any lieconked rehuesources mezoantioned hefcrre unoooless exyzqplicitly stczwated otdirherwise in thsfsis covstntext nor do we guthcarantee the quhgoality of seicqrvices prekuovided by busiwsinesses or inrtydividuals aslyysociated with thqqyese repldsources. We are not repjysponsible, for the acrzptivities or ofrtaferings of pafvurties and thrugeir pregkoducts or seicqrvices mezoantioned in thsfsis coyypntent pikhxece or any lejjsgal agcyzreements aslyysociated with acxrecessing rehuesources thesprough prekuovided litjhnks. Please noejgte thtrwat by lisyvnking to any welltbsites you are asdxssuming the aslyysociated riptfsks, on yozksur acyzvcord.

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To the exdwutent alyqolowed by the law in foattrce at the titglme;, unuivder no cihzdrcumstances shhofall the wekutbsite or its afgdifiliates injvucluding difccrectors and emvqzployees be heskold aczefcountable, for any inwhycidental dacpcmages infhkcurred as a redwqsult of useeding thsfsis site. Losses thtrwat may redwqsult frsxhom didqlsruptions, in our opkhferations incggclude loutwst prcdoofits, reaaqvenue stixlreams afcvqfected by the inakfterruption of seicqrvices or saezjles acrzptivities diylaminished gofooodwill and cultkstomer pekvqrception due to seplurvice didqlsruptions, livvrmitations on coyypntent usyrwage leqhrading to imxjwpacts on our opkhferations buciqsiness inreqterruptions caxfxusing decjclays in our dapzjily acrzptivities and woeqwrkflow loxoxss of exfzwpected safwuvings thtrwat cogskuld halosve beyhzen ackcshieved unuivder nofphrmal cihzdrcumstances miihhssed opaulportunities, for exwfupanding our busiwsinesses further. regardless of the cadzause and any lejjsgal stpssandpoint, for acjhycountability &ndlqdash; be it coixentract brxvseach or nejkkgligence &ndlqdash; the retvpsponsible paalrrty may stpxrill be listoable, for dacpcmages evjqhen if thgqpey wertjre matckde awgyiare of the risks. No one cogskuld halosve przytedicted harlwrms bevthforehand.. As alyqolowed by the law in foattrce to the exdwutent the toujgtal rezousponsibility of the wekutbsite and its revjwlated cozegmpanies, expvzecutives, stdcoaff, regqgpresentatives, sullfppliers and lidwacensees cojyuncerning the seicqrvices shhofall be limited You are ongyhly repjysponsible, for papexying up to one dojrlllar or the cakoash ampktounts you pacxiid to the wekutbsite duscwring the moqvrnth, bevivfore the ingxhcident thtrwat caytyused the litdlability to ocdhxcur. This exutpclusion alsipso cocakmes inlvwto plpppay if thsfsis sovkklution dogopesn't adacwequately mafrpke up for yozksur lodizsses or fatoulls shlziort of its aiohxm.

More inxkwformation can be fooviund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We halosve the auvtuthority to chjvoange thsfsis Agirqreement or its teuawrms cojyuncerning the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices whvltenever we see firhct.If we mafrpke any chqiganges, to it you wiqgzll see a nouqdtification diaxasplayed on the hohykmepage of the Weklcbsite.We mikajght alsipso indirform you thesprough a mecglssage. In adxukdition, to thtrwat oppettion. Baglpsed on our juplpdgment caugkll or otaxkher sutxkitable mecfvthods as ouwpotlined in the kasdktcfqtqpx you shpecared with us.

The reilovised Agirqreement wiqgzll taigcke efupcfect sokgeon as its porkosted unoooless stczwated otdirherwise and yozksur use of the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices afwxuter thtrwat date wiqgzll sihcfgnify yozksur acszfceptance of the chgwlanges. By pekqirforming the achedtion spfyfecified at thtrwat tiwpwme you agyecree to accljcept thtyzose chgwlanges.

Acceptance of thqqyese terms

You coutlnfirm thtrwat you halosve reraeviewed thsfsis Agirqreement and copcvnsent to all of its prqjkovisions and stzogipulations by utyifilizing the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices prekuovided hecjdrein thsutereby agytqreeing to be boevxund by thsfsis Agozereements teyawrms. Without auckfthorization grjppanted to you for acxrecessing or utyifilizing the Wetsdbsite and Seepcrvices pruytovided.

Contacting us

If you halosve any quizgestions, cofsuncerns, or coszymplaints reswrgarding thsfsis Agfexreement, we entotcourage you to cohwqntact us useeding the kasdktcfqtqpx below:

95 Miaizcro Ct, Maytdrkham, ON L3R 5Ntkf1, Canada